This online course on Ewe and Ifa medicines will cover the science and preparation of herbal medicines for spiritual, physical, psychological, and social issues from an Ifa perspective. The course will also discuss common herbs found and used both in Yoruba land traditionally as well as in North America as adaptations and or additions. It will cover how to prepare common medicines for change, protection, health , attraction, wealth, and the improvement of the quality of life. The students will actually be preparing Ifa Medicines in the course so the purchase of some herbs and materials will be necessary in order to get the most out of the class.
This Ewe course, like the other Ifa Priesthood Courses is a series of video recordings of a live online class offered by Oloye Fayomi Falade Aworeni.
This course requires approval by instructor as it is a post initiation course and only for those who have undergone itefa or itelodu level initiations. Once purchased, you will be contacted and interviewed before approval for access of the course. If you do not meet the qualifications, you will receive a refund.