Ori Consciousness

Journey to Iwa

Course Summary

This is a self development course focusing on the inner journey of spiritual consciousness. This course will help you work on areas that need healing, inner conflicts that need resolved. Since time immemorial, the inner journey to self mastery always began with knowledge of self.  In the Ifa Orisa tradition, the Ori is the greatest Self. The Ori means head and can extend from your personality to your soul self. Understanding who you are on the journey can help you maximize your greatest potential. So the course is also a course in Iwa development. Iwa is character and a prerequisite for any real spiritual work.
It starts with work..inner work to explore the inner mysteries of what makes you tick. This course is a part of a program series that is designed to help you heal, clear blocks in your life, and grow . It’s a journey of self discovery from your personality to who you are on a soul level. Know Thyself begins the journey with exercises and journaling that help you to unpack all of your inner aspects. It helps you address areas of challenge in a gentle but honest way. It will help you to identify unconscious patterns that may create blocks so you can overcome them. Ultimately it will help you clarify your spiritual walk and where you want to go next.

There are 29 lessons in this course and entails a lot of reading.  It is self paced but is likely to take 16 weeks or so if you average 2 lessons per week. Also requires a lot of writing as you self reflect.

 There are 3 tiers.
The first is light As it identifies keys in your personality and what makes you tick.
The 2nd tier covers the more trickier sides of your personality. It will explore conscious and subconscious blocks.
The third tier is Healing which will offer tools for healing and development.

Course Curriculum

Ori Institute

Chief Abiye Ayele Kumari

Professional Bio

Website: Personal Website

Summary: Over 30 years of experience in Healing and in Indigenous knowledge systems.  Over 20 years in women's traditions and spirituality. 15 years as a college professor... an author of 3 books and publisher of 15 books. Offers a dynamic blend of western and indigenous training from common sense mother wit to high spiritual science. Offers retreats, lectures workshops and personal training and mentoring.

Alternate name: Aare Obabinrin Oloye Abiye Okungbemi Anike Tayese Ase Ifayele Iyafunfun Oyatunde Ojeronke Fasola

Formal Education:
B.A. Sociology, M.A. Counseling, PhD in Metaphysical Theology, ND Naturopathy
Dip. Hom.Homeopathy

License and Certifications:
Licensed Massage Therapist
Licensed New Thought/ Metaphysical Minister
Certified Life Coach
Certified Ayurvedic Therapist
Certified Aromatherapist
Certified in Neuromuscular Therapy
Certified in Herbology
Certified in Clinical Hypnotherapy

Initiations and Spiritual Technology

Aare Oba Obinrin Olokun Omilere United States

Omilere Alaragbo Global Foundation

Fully initiated to mysteries of :Olokun, Oya ,Obatala, Ọṣun, Yemoja, Osanyin
Ifa (Iyanifa) ( Ifa readings and medicine)

Gelede by Iyalosa  Olomitutu Ota, Nigeria 

Egungun by Alagba Ifasakin

Training under the direction of Fategbe Kekereje Fasola,  Olori Fayomi Falade, Falokun Fatunmbi, Ifadiran Egunseye, Babalola Akinola, Olori Abiye Yeyelodu Abike Osunbunmi
Iyami ( Eleye) from Iyaloja Fakayode, Ogboni From Apena Ifalase, Abiye Apena

Lineage: Ancestral Pride Temple , Ota, Nigeria under the direction of Oluwo Fasola Faniyi Babatunde
Onisegun ( traditional healer) apprenticed under the direction of Babola Akinola

Aborigine Ogboni Worldwide under Apena Ifalase and Olori Abiye Osunbunmi Otitolagba number 2 

Zulu Nyanga Training And Ceremony- Authorized to do Zulu  Bone Divination and dispense Muthi ( medicines) - Gobela Gogo Ateyo Nkanyezi -Inandabukhona Lineage 


Dafa, Erindilogun (cowrie shell ) , tarot, I Ching

Akan Ancestral Bone Divination by Okomfo Mausiki Scales

Reiki Master Teacher
Indigenous Tantric Training and Dravidian Mysteries
Special Training in Botswana, Kikuyu, Sumerian, Dakota Sioux, Wolof, Igbo, Ewe, Dagara, Dagoma, and Ga-Dangme.
Kemetian Mysteries
Taoist teachings: I Ching, Tai Chi
Hermetics, Kaballah, and Rosicrucian
Fellowship of Isis initiated priestess hierophant of Shekhmet and Het Hert in Lyceum of Black Isis
Womens Mysteries

Spiritual Gifts: Clairvoyance, clairaudience, hands on healing, dream work

Course Pricing

Payment in Full

$21 USD

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